Reflexology is a theory and therapy that uses the feet to treat the whole body. Certain parts of the feet correspond with certain parts of the body. Imbalances in your body will show themselves in your feet – the therapist will feel popping,crunching, or the client may feel tenderness. The therapist will then work these areas to alleviate and treat energy blockages or imbalances. The therapist will work different bodily systems on your feet (respiratory,lymphatic, skeletal, urinary, endocrine and digestive) to restore balance. For example treating the lymphatic system will help your body to drain toxins andrid water retention.
•Deeply relaxing•Relieves stress,anxiety and tension•Improves sleep•Rebalances body systems•Improves mood•A general sense of health and well-being.
For a reflexology treatment the client remains fully dressed – just footwear and socks are removed. The client can sit up or lie down. The treatment is highly relaxing and it is common to drift off to sleep at some point during the treatment. The therapist will tailor a pressure to suit the client. The treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes. The therapist will cleanse the feet, warm up the muscles in the feet and then treat the different areas of the feet using her fingers and thumbs. In the salon a warm towel on the feet will finish the treatment.